Ange & I have just finished work
That means we're officially on holiday for the next month
2 more sleeps to go until we make out way to the land of the free...where I won't be able to drink cuban coffee for a month

That means we're officially on holiday for the next month

2 more sleeps to go until we make out way to the land of the free...where I won't be able to drink cuban coffee for a month

YOU! I called your hotel in Cali to make sure you people were okay. I was all fine and then when I didn't hear from you I thought you got stuck in customs and you weren't!!! I freaked out, looked up the flight and knew it arrived...called the hotel and gave them the wrong last name cause I am an ass and it went right out of my head, had to call back two seconds later when I realized what an ass I was and the nice lady told me you were there. They transfered me to your room but no answer. I figure you guys were sleeping. It was pretty late here. I am sure you are exhausted!!! Tomorrow at this time you will be sleeping in MY house.
Yay! I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!

look forward to meeting u and ange at Saveme's birthday bash.