Whoa, talk about a late night on a school night. haha. I've been awake since 6 am. Worked out, worked, class, class, bar then another bar. I only had a minute amount of beer as I usually avoid alkeehawl.
However, I did go to the ladies mixer thing. I mainly hung with 2 of the ladies I met from the Emerge photo shoot. Apparently, I'm the cute/hot new stranger on the scene - which I'm sort of flattered about but I'm also not that into because I prefer my anonymity. The scene is really incestuous as usual and everyone knows each other and I'd rather not have that kind of drama in my life. I had a nice time talking to the young-in who, I guess, likes me. I'm admittedly stupid when it comes to this stuff and she had to point out that the ladies were hitting on me. What was apparent to her was not so apparent to me because I'm so used to fielding inquiries re: the tattoos. How am I supposed to differentiate? Anyway, miss young-in (she's 23) was funny because she called me out on my age PREFERENCES re: dating but considering how fucked up everything is in my life, I have no hard and fast rules that I won't break. haha. Apparently she also got a good ribbing from the ladies on Saturday because for one of the shots, A. was holding onto my leg - and I had had to strip to my underoos for that photo and miss young-in snuck in to roll up the boyshorts a tad. I guess it's sort of nice to feel wanted...except I'm afraid of being an asshole to people so I hesitate when it comes to getting close to people. I do that all the time in general, but even if I like someone, I tend to hold my cards close to me and don't generally let people know what I'm feeling. Oh well.
I met Lucid
Sorry it took me a while to answer my text messages - the phone was in my bag for a while.
I should go to bed.
However, I did go to the ladies mixer thing. I mainly hung with 2 of the ladies I met from the Emerge photo shoot. Apparently, I'm the cute/hot new stranger on the scene - which I'm sort of flattered about but I'm also not that into because I prefer my anonymity. The scene is really incestuous as usual and everyone knows each other and I'd rather not have that kind of drama in my life. I had a nice time talking to the young-in who, I guess, likes me. I'm admittedly stupid when it comes to this stuff and she had to point out that the ladies were hitting on me. What was apparent to her was not so apparent to me because I'm so used to fielding inquiries re: the tattoos. How am I supposed to differentiate? Anyway, miss young-in (she's 23) was funny because she called me out on my age PREFERENCES re: dating but considering how fucked up everything is in my life, I have no hard and fast rules that I won't break. haha. Apparently she also got a good ribbing from the ladies on Saturday because for one of the shots, A. was holding onto my leg - and I had had to strip to my underoos for that photo and miss young-in snuck in to roll up the boyshorts a tad. I guess it's sort of nice to feel wanted...except I'm afraid of being an asshole to people so I hesitate when it comes to getting close to people. I do that all the time in general, but even if I like someone, I tend to hold my cards close to me and don't generally let people know what I'm feeling. Oh well.
I met Lucid

I too can never tell when I'm getting hit on...at least you had someone to point it out, I always tend to figure it out waaay too late.