Food shopping:
I usually go to Whole Foods because I feel like I can eat anything there. Plus the packaging does induce me to buy buy buy. Amazing what $60 can't get you.
To move away from that tangent - I went to SuperFresh today to buy cheaper greens to enact my weekly Sunday make a shitload of food for the week exercise. I typically make 4 servings of most things I cook. Today was oatmeal with almond butter - the foundation of my diet, ostrich burgers with some tabasco, mustard, and pick-a-peppa sauce + shallots on 1/4 of wild rice. I have 4 salads fixed with chicken, feta cheese, and some other fun stuff. And I have 3 servings of basil asiago pesto ravioli with baby bok choy, shrimp, and stewed tomatoes. That's 15 servings of food - which will last me, 3-4 days...they're all about 300 calories/serving.
Away from that 2nd tangent - what I really noticed and wanted to comment on was the purchasing patterns of the typical American female who is conscious about her weight. I was sandwiched between a hispanic female and a white female both of whom had quite a few of the 100 calorie pack snack packs of jello or whatever other sugary carbohydrate and nutritionally deficient pre-processed crap companies sell. Hispanic girl was obviously on a diet. Lots of carrots, lots of 100 calorie pudding things, lots of fat-free dressing. Whenever I see fat free dressing, I laugh in my head because honey, the amount of preservatives and sugar and crap that they put into those dressings, and most likely the amount of dressing you're putting onto your salads - essentially negates any caloric deficit you're trying to achieve. Add to that the processed sugar or fake sugar products like the pudding.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy eating crappy food every so often. But these two women were perfect examples of basic and essential food ILLITERACY and a fundamental misunderstanding of nutrients and weight manipulation. Yes, I have issues with maintaining my weight - eating shitty is so much more accessible and easy than eating healthy (ie - I have to bike around with a whole day's worth of food with me - how inconvenient is that!).
My words of wisdom on this matter?
- Cut out the processed sugar and cut out the fake sugar. Your body reacts to fake or real sugar and you're gonna have sugar cravings.
- Cut out the processed carbs. Yes, I do eat processed shit like bars and whatnot (easier to trasnport), but as a general rule of thumb, I try to limit those. Processed carbs as in those 100 calorie snack packs of cookies simply don't compare to a greens bar in terms of nutrients.
- Read your fucking food labels and look for sodium content, calorie content, carbohydrates, protein, and other preservatives. The DASH diet for blood pressure recommends eating less than 2 grams of sodium PER DAY. Most Americans and most food products you find in a typical grocery store might have at least 16% or more of your DAILY sodium intake. If you're eating soup and you see it has 900 mg of sodium, DON'T eat it. Salt makes you fucking bloat and retain water. It's also not good for your blood pressure in the long run. MINIMIZE that shit.
- Salads with a ton of salad dressing don't do jack shit. Eat it with lemon juice on it. If you want creamy texture, use some feta, goat, or blue cheese crumbles. Or even hummus (although you gotta watch the sodium on that).
- Calories in calories out - no matter how often this is mentioned, no one ever pays attetion to it.
- Fat-free doesn't mean it's any better for you. I eat quite a bit of fat and I can still drop weight when I'm getting ready for fights. Fat helps you stay satiated for longer. Plus you need some fats in your diet for essential functions in your body. Fuck fat-free.
- Exercise. Yeah, it's hard to afford it and it's hard to find the time, but make it a fucking priority and stop bitching about being a fat-ass. If whining could burn calories, everyone would be a skinny bitch. Obviously whining doesn't do shit for the junk in your trunk so get off of your ass. A meta-analysis of multiple studies of diet on weight showed that diet alone is INSUFFICIENT for long-term weight management. It requires a lifestyle modification....change how you live.
Ok, enough of my rants.
Btw, I bought a grappler's nutrition book for staying lean even when I'm not fighting. And ways to drop weight better than what I've been doing. Yeah!
I usually go to Whole Foods because I feel like I can eat anything there. Plus the packaging does induce me to buy buy buy. Amazing what $60 can't get you.
To move away from that tangent - I went to SuperFresh today to buy cheaper greens to enact my weekly Sunday make a shitload of food for the week exercise. I typically make 4 servings of most things I cook. Today was oatmeal with almond butter - the foundation of my diet, ostrich burgers with some tabasco, mustard, and pick-a-peppa sauce + shallots on 1/4 of wild rice. I have 4 salads fixed with chicken, feta cheese, and some other fun stuff. And I have 3 servings of basil asiago pesto ravioli with baby bok choy, shrimp, and stewed tomatoes. That's 15 servings of food - which will last me, 3-4 days...they're all about 300 calories/serving.
Away from that 2nd tangent - what I really noticed and wanted to comment on was the purchasing patterns of the typical American female who is conscious about her weight. I was sandwiched between a hispanic female and a white female both of whom had quite a few of the 100 calorie pack snack packs of jello or whatever other sugary carbohydrate and nutritionally deficient pre-processed crap companies sell. Hispanic girl was obviously on a diet. Lots of carrots, lots of 100 calorie pudding things, lots of fat-free dressing. Whenever I see fat free dressing, I laugh in my head because honey, the amount of preservatives and sugar and crap that they put into those dressings, and most likely the amount of dressing you're putting onto your salads - essentially negates any caloric deficit you're trying to achieve. Add to that the processed sugar or fake sugar products like the pudding.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy eating crappy food every so often. But these two women were perfect examples of basic and essential food ILLITERACY and a fundamental misunderstanding of nutrients and weight manipulation. Yes, I have issues with maintaining my weight - eating shitty is so much more accessible and easy than eating healthy (ie - I have to bike around with a whole day's worth of food with me - how inconvenient is that!).
My words of wisdom on this matter?
- Cut out the processed sugar and cut out the fake sugar. Your body reacts to fake or real sugar and you're gonna have sugar cravings.
- Cut out the processed carbs. Yes, I do eat processed shit like bars and whatnot (easier to trasnport), but as a general rule of thumb, I try to limit those. Processed carbs as in those 100 calorie snack packs of cookies simply don't compare to a greens bar in terms of nutrients.
- Read your fucking food labels and look for sodium content, calorie content, carbohydrates, protein, and other preservatives. The DASH diet for blood pressure recommends eating less than 2 grams of sodium PER DAY. Most Americans and most food products you find in a typical grocery store might have at least 16% or more of your DAILY sodium intake. If you're eating soup and you see it has 900 mg of sodium, DON'T eat it. Salt makes you fucking bloat and retain water. It's also not good for your blood pressure in the long run. MINIMIZE that shit.
- Salads with a ton of salad dressing don't do jack shit. Eat it with lemon juice on it. If you want creamy texture, use some feta, goat, or blue cheese crumbles. Or even hummus (although you gotta watch the sodium on that).
- Calories in calories out - no matter how often this is mentioned, no one ever pays attetion to it.
- Fat-free doesn't mean it's any better for you. I eat quite a bit of fat and I can still drop weight when I'm getting ready for fights. Fat helps you stay satiated for longer. Plus you need some fats in your diet for essential functions in your body. Fuck fat-free.
- Exercise. Yeah, it's hard to afford it and it's hard to find the time, but make it a fucking priority and stop bitching about being a fat-ass. If whining could burn calories, everyone would be a skinny bitch. Obviously whining doesn't do shit for the junk in your trunk so get off of your ass. A meta-analysis of multiple studies of diet on weight showed that diet alone is INSUFFICIENT for long-term weight management. It requires a lifestyle modification....change how you live.
Ok, enough of my rants.
Btw, I bought a grappler's nutrition book for staying lean even when I'm not fighting. And ways to drop weight better than what I've been doing. Yeah!
i highly agree. i use the book "skinny bitch" as my guideline
(well not so much lately because i've been lazy... but... in general hehe)

After 7 years of eating in a casino employee cafateria my eating habits suck. I've made some improvements since moving to Philly, and I'm gonna use those tips.