Yes yes, I am back thanks to someone sending me a nice gift
. Thanks!
At any rate, I've been uber busy and not around at all. Ya wanna know why?
Today is the day of my first Muay Thai fight. I had about 5 weeks to dump almost 10 lbs. Last week I got down to 119 and I'm fighting at 118. I think I'm probably 118 this morning although I haven't weighed myself. Yeah, I am skinny looking but it's hot and I lost a lot of my junk in the trunk. It's okay.
So yeah, I've been doing school shit and then working out for 12-13 hours a week, 5-6 days a week, for the past month to get ready. The training load was a lot and the last few weeks I was feeling major fatigue bu then this week was just training down to recover my energy. Now I just have 10 hours until weigh in.
I'm fighting a woman from Boston. It'll be both our first fights. Nervous but fucking looking forward to eating food!
To lose the weight I basically started eating small meals every 3 hours and limited my caloric intake to 1800-2000 calories a day (an average workout day can burn over 1000 calories for me). I cut out carbs after 2 pm and whatever carbs I did have were whole wheat. Almond butter was my best friend because I put it in my oatmeal to tide me over until my next meal. I tried to eat my last meal by 7:30 pm at the latest and kept all my food super clean. No/minimal salt and fats. Which meant a lot of seafood, ostrich, and chicken. Very little red meat. I found it difficult to consume 1800-2000 calories of good quality food simply because the volume became overwhelming. That's when 2 tablespoons of almond butter did the trick to bump me up to my goal intake.
Today I just get to drink a tiny bit of water. No coffee. No major breakfast. Just almond butter. After 5 pm weigh in I can eat and I plan on pedialyte, a candy bar, and a clif bar to restore my glycogen/glucose. After the fights I'm going to Blue Smoke for bbq ribs and cake. So excited.
wish me luck!

At any rate, I've been uber busy and not around at all. Ya wanna know why?
Today is the day of my first Muay Thai fight. I had about 5 weeks to dump almost 10 lbs. Last week I got down to 119 and I'm fighting at 118. I think I'm probably 118 this morning although I haven't weighed myself. Yeah, I am skinny looking but it's hot and I lost a lot of my junk in the trunk. It's okay.
So yeah, I've been doing school shit and then working out for 12-13 hours a week, 5-6 days a week, for the past month to get ready. The training load was a lot and the last few weeks I was feeling major fatigue bu then this week was just training down to recover my energy. Now I just have 10 hours until weigh in.
I'm fighting a woman from Boston. It'll be both our first fights. Nervous but fucking looking forward to eating food!
To lose the weight I basically started eating small meals every 3 hours and limited my caloric intake to 1800-2000 calories a day (an average workout day can burn over 1000 calories for me). I cut out carbs after 2 pm and whatever carbs I did have were whole wheat. Almond butter was my best friend because I put it in my oatmeal to tide me over until my next meal. I tried to eat my last meal by 7:30 pm at the latest and kept all my food super clean. No/minimal salt and fats. Which meant a lot of seafood, ostrich, and chicken. Very little red meat. I found it difficult to consume 1800-2000 calories of good quality food simply because the volume became overwhelming. That's when 2 tablespoons of almond butter did the trick to bump me up to my goal intake.
Today I just get to drink a tiny bit of water. No coffee. No major breakfast. Just almond butter. After 5 pm weigh in I can eat and I plan on pedialyte, a candy bar, and a clif bar to restore my glycogen/glucose. After the fights I'm going to Blue Smoke for bbq ribs and cake. So excited.
wish me luck!
Best of luck!
Good luck go manic on em.