Actually no I don't have grand rounds. Damnit I got up at 6:30 am for no reason but I have a surprise 4th day off in a row. I'm so excited - I haven't had 4 days off in a row since.....last year?
Last night there was only a 7 p.m. Muay Thai class so I did my new "regular" workout: 30 minutes elliptical: intervals at level 3; 25 minutes on the treadmill at an incline of 2%. My stomach workout is now taking up a lot of time - 45-60 minutes. I enjoy the workout because I've always had a little bit of a stomach obsession and tend to poke and prod my gut repeatedly throughout the day. If I dropped 5-8 lbs I'd totally have a six pack but I decided that the kind of lifestyle I'd need to live to keep it would not be so fun because last night....I wanted carbs not sushi! So I had a veggie slice of pizza and some bread.
I also did some butt work - really boring and I can't think of any additional moves to add on aside from doing more kettlebells but those are G.'s training toys and one of the big fighters was using them. Kettlebells are these evil items
- used by the Russians. They are meant to give you a crazy total body workout because you need to use the explosive power off your lower body to manipulate the weight with your upper body or else you'll feel it in your back and not in a good way. The first time I did them, my ass was SO sore - I don't think it ever hurt that much in my entire life. G is an awesome trainer. He really pushes you and he's really innovative and not traditional. At the NYSC, I would watch people training and it looked pretty boring and low to barely any impact. With G. you have grown men practically screaming at the end of their sets with the kettlebells because they are drenched in sweat and completely exhausted.
It was nice being back and seeing some of the regulars - they all liked my new impractical hair do. I had to work out with a headband and hair clips and I felt like a complete valley girl. Oh well.....oh vanity.
Last night there was only a 7 p.m. Muay Thai class so I did my new "regular" workout: 30 minutes elliptical: intervals at level 3; 25 minutes on the treadmill at an incline of 2%. My stomach workout is now taking up a lot of time - 45-60 minutes. I enjoy the workout because I've always had a little bit of a stomach obsession and tend to poke and prod my gut repeatedly throughout the day. If I dropped 5-8 lbs I'd totally have a six pack but I decided that the kind of lifestyle I'd need to live to keep it would not be so fun because last night....I wanted carbs not sushi! So I had a veggie slice of pizza and some bread.
I also did some butt work - really boring and I can't think of any additional moves to add on aside from doing more kettlebells but those are G.'s training toys and one of the big fighters was using them. Kettlebells are these evil items

It was nice being back and seeing some of the regulars - they all liked my new impractical hair do. I had to work out with a headband and hair clips and I felt like a complete valley girl. Oh well.....oh vanity.
oh, i'll be back.
The world just needs a bit of a tidy...
p.s. - i didn't have time to fully i don't know what those things are, but if you lift them...i award you the "i'm fucking impressed" award, plus some respect points.
Q: What school?
Q: What year?
Me personally? I just started my first professional year at MCPHS while currently NOT working as a tech anywhere (I came into the field in a roundabout way, to say the least), and I'm liking it. OUR boards, as I'm sure you know, do not require any compounding, just the standard pharmacy and law although even if they did I think I'd kick some ass, as I rock it hardcore on the pharmaceutics tip yo.