Oi fuck. Since my schedule is fucked up, I'm not going to make it to my regular gym for a few weeks since I'll be in Jersey. I figured I would go on "break" with a bang and have the shit beaten out of me. I worked with J and we're pretty evenly matched but she landed a really nice cross to my nose and gave me my first ever bloody nose. It was awesome. At one point, though, I got paired up with E (our pro fighter)and basically got destroyed hard core. I didn't even have enough time to move because she's so fast (plus her dancing background helps) and she's fucking STRONG! Yeah - I ate some fucking heavy hooks to the body and head so my ribs are even more fucked up but at least I'll have a few weeks to let them heal up. But um, yeah, I suck. I haven't gotten my ass handed to me on a platter in..ever so I am amazingly humbled. hah.
Other than that, I'm working out things for a SG set and I might even get to use the ring at the gym
Other than that, I'm working out things for a SG set and I might even get to use the ring at the gym

LOL Sound like you had lots of fun.
You're doing a set?! That's awesome! I can't wait!