Things are mad!
I met 2 strangers, friends of friends on Monday and we are now looking to rent a house together. They are very cool and funny guys, I hope it works out *crosses fingers* Thing is, I was planning to move in July. They want to move ASAP. So I have all my stuff to sort out.
This is not an issue, except I am going for a long weekends at my man's, Download festival, Hellfest in France and a trip to Paris all in the next 6 weeks. It's leaves me one weekend to pack and one to move!
This has also caned my finances. My Download ticket was a gift, I have tins of beans and my mates are paying the petrol in exchange for my driving. My expenses spreadsheet is looking rough and I will be scraping this back for the rest of the summer. But I'll have a damn good time.
Hopefully meeting with new SG Blush at Download. She's a very talented and interesting woman, you guys should check her if you haven't already.
I keep meaning to take some time to write about some of the things I have experienced in life, but some of them are bad. And I am happy. I don't want people to think I am going through shit that's part of my past, I'm comfortable with it all. I'm sure I'll figure a way.
I saw an old lady yesterday, walking slow, with swollen legs. She was walking on the sides of her canvas shoes and they had worn bare. I really wanted to buy her some good sensible shoes that would give her support. I just couldn't batter my finances any further, and it got me thinking: Are people who have plenty of money and could buy her some stingy? Do they give back or do they scrimp and save and just keep it? Why in this huge city of London with all it's residents can a human being not have the basic human right of shoes? Is it insulting to offer a stranger shoes?
I met 2 strangers, friends of friends on Monday and we are now looking to rent a house together. They are very cool and funny guys, I hope it works out *crosses fingers* Thing is, I was planning to move in July. They want to move ASAP. So I have all my stuff to sort out.
This has also caned my finances. My Download ticket was a gift, I have tins of beans and my mates are paying the petrol in exchange for my driving. My expenses spreadsheet is looking rough and I will be scraping this back for the rest of the summer. But I'll have a damn good time.
Hopefully meeting with new SG Blush at Download. She's a very talented and interesting woman, you guys should check her if you haven't already.
I keep meaning to take some time to write about some of the things I have experienced in life, but some of them are bad. And I am happy. I don't want people to think I am going through shit that's part of my past, I'm comfortable with it all. I'm sure I'll figure a way.
I saw an old lady yesterday, walking slow, with swollen legs. She was walking on the sides of her canvas shoes and they had worn bare. I really wanted to buy her some good sensible shoes that would give her support. I just couldn't batter my finances any further, and it got me thinking: Are people who have plenty of money and could buy her some stingy? Do they give back or do they scrimp and save and just keep it? Why in this huge city of London with all it's residents can a human being not have the basic human right of shoes? Is it insulting to offer a stranger shoes?
he he thanks hun
happy birthday, hun!