so i ended my eleven day work week today... finally heh. i'm kind of tired, but i think i'm going to be bored, not having to work the next three days... well.... i still need to fix my car.... sigh. aside that, nothing really new in my life, i haven't had time for anything. my friend and i are still talking, it sounds like she wants a relantionship, just isn't ready for me yet. not sure how to take that really heh. she says she has taken a vow of celebacy for a bit, to get her mind together, so she can make a real commitment to me... still don't know if it's all crap, or she's serious. part of the problem we have, is that i treat her too well, and she feels she doesn't deserve me...... now i want to call bullshit, but i do know that i do treat her better, then any man she's ever had in her life, including father. why does this have to be so bloody twisted hehe, i might lose the girl i'm in love with, cause i trest her with respect, decence, and compassion, and i always try to make her feel loved when she's with me. sigh. oh well, i'm done, maybe having a few days off, and killing shit in halo2 will clear my mind..... but i really need to go for a drive! halo might tide me over till metroid next friday... hehe
Here ya go!