George Carlin, May 12, 1937 - June 22, 2008
The worlds greatest foole has finally died. Truly a sad day, since after Richard Pryor's death in 05, George was responsible for half of the worlds intelligent comedy. One can only wonder, how the world will change, many questions need to be answered. Who will the rest of the stand up acts and Family Guy rip off for material? How does one deal with the world losing half it's laughter. I know for starters, I'm having a marathon of all his HBO specials. He was a personal Hero of mine, and will be missed greatly.
Joe bless you, Joe bless you all
The worlds greatest foole has finally died. Truly a sad day, since after Richard Pryor's death in 05, George was responsible for half of the worlds intelligent comedy. One can only wonder, how the world will change, many questions need to be answered. Who will the rest of the stand up acts and Family Guy rip off for material? How does one deal with the world losing half it's laughter. I know for starters, I'm having a marathon of all his HBO specials. He was a personal Hero of mine, and will be missed greatly.
Joe bless you, Joe bless you all
thank u so much for that comment, i guess he is kinda crazy.
and yup...he will be missed.