I've been playing with my Wii for almost six hours now, crawling into bed. just, so much damn fun, even the sports game it comes with is pretty cool, though, tennis and bowling are the only ones i really like. picked up red steel, marvel ultimate allaince, super monkey ball, and of course zelda. zelda, best launch game ever. simple flick of the wrist draws your sword, it's beautiful, so much fun hehe. marvel is the least impressive of the games i grabbed, but it was meant to be played with four people, solo isn't all that intresting. the speaker on the Wii-mote in red steel makes a huge impact, listening to your gun reload, and the bolts sliding, it's actually quite funny, how much hearing the shotgun slide another shell into the chamber makes you giddy when it actually comes from your hands
oh, and did i mention that little white box is damn sexy?
I spent a good portion of my childhood without a TV, so video games and such are not within my realm of experience much.