So I was a little bored today so I decided to drive across the bridges over to San Pedro to graffiti Mike Watts Econoline van. On the way I drove past the new shoping center that was recently built on the land where the old Pike used to be, it really made me sad to see this horrible modern mall structure with a gigantic parking structure along side on this sacred land. The Original Pike has been gone for many years but some of my first childhood memories are of it. I think that the Pike represented what used to be great about Long Beach, tattoo shops, bars, art, music, it was a very volatile yet exciting place to be, so I guess I would have rather had nothing on that land than the horrible mall of chain stores and crappy restaurants that inhabit it now. So anyway, as I kept driving I cross over to Terminal Island and the endless dock cranes unloading endless amounts of giant contaners from cargo ships and stacking them ten high as far as the I can see, and I thought to myself "my god does everything we buy come from overseas", no wonder theres no more blue collar jobs to be had in this country. This drive was really starting to fucking depress me, I guess I am a bit to nostalgic.
Did you see Body Worlds yet? Weird energy in those rooms, man.