Had the day off and decided to give the cats a bath! big mistake, you really need two people to give a cat a bath, one to hold him and one to wash, no one was around to help so I decided to go it alone. I love my cats but the little fuckers turn into completely different creatures when you try to put them in a tub of water, they were bitting and scratching me and crying as though they were getting murderd. They were pretty mad at me for a couple of hours after but now they are happy and clean, sleaping on the bed.
I never washed any of my cats. They always did plenty of grooming, so I figured they kept themselves clean.

I take mine to get groomed! They say the one is a princess and purrs the whole time, so I once thought what the hell, so yeah then I was in HELL with a similar experience. I felt like satan himself holder her down while she flailed around! NEVER EVER AGAIN! It is worth the $25!