Spent all day looking for a new couch. I am looking for a bamboo couch and have had no luck finding what I want. Funny story though, I went into a really trendy furniture store that specializes in vintage furniture and saw a couch that I had gotten rid of three years ago to one of my nieghbors. I really loved this couch but I was moving and lived on the third floor of a building that in order to get the couch into the apartment my friends and I had to remove a window and pull it up with a rope, it was really quite a feat, so when I moved I gave it to my nieghbor across the hall and never saw it again, until today, and there it was sitting in this store with a $900 price tag and a big red sticker that said sold. It's funny because I only paid $40 for it at The Salvation Army.
Seeing how I dont know where anything is I really dont care where we have a drink