I'm obsessed with postsecret. I have been since it started, which I can't even really remember. I think like 4 years, maybe. I've got both books, and I routinely send in secrets. I have so many. Actually, it is sometimes difficult for me to remember all of them. But the cool thing about it is I am forced to think about all of the skeletons in my closet. Most of them aren't anything for me to be ashamed of, but they are events in my life that caused me to feel bad, events that I, over the years, have forced myself to forget. I bottle them up until they overflow within me, and I burst. My therapist (when I actively sought out counseling) told me I shouldn't, due to my sometimes short fuse. So postsecret enabled me to deal with these things in a way that made me feel comfortable. The other secrets, and the community assured me that I was not alone. I highly recommend checking it out, if you're a crazy person like me, or if you just like to feel you're not alone.
And the community is pretty cool too.
postsecret community
My screen name on there is NotReallyMe, look me up if you get into it.
I'm going to have some eggnog now. Unfortunately, without rum. All I have is tequila, and I'm not sure that would be good. I need to restock. I swear, this fucking state I live in - no booze on Sunday??? WTF???
And the community is pretty cool too.
postsecret community
My screen name on there is NotReallyMe, look me up if you get into it.
I'm going to have some eggnog now. Unfortunately, without rum. All I have is tequila, and I'm not sure that would be good. I need to restock. I swear, this fucking state I live in - no booze on Sunday??? WTF???
Unfortunately, I have the bad feeling it may not be on frontpage... But don't quit SG ! I have another set ready to be send (I'm just waiting a little bit), and a new shooting for SG on sunday !
There's still hope