Go and see the stunning @pugsie on her set je'taime right now. Do it. I will wait.
In the world I see, our once wealthy nations are reduced to grinding poverty as the system collapses from the top down. Buckling under corruption and incompetence, governments cede all responsibility for basic services to corporations who in turn begin hoarding commodities accessible only to a top 1%.
Water becomes a privilege rather than a right. Petrol is a thing of the past.
Here in...
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I decided to crib a topic from the SG Hopefuls for today for a short blog.
"What Are Your Top 5 Songs of All Time? Songs you could listen to over and over again."
In no particular order:
1. Pearl Jam 'Alive'. Possibly the best song ever about being raped by your own mum. A three and a half minute Fuck You to...
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I love doing Google image searches for random things. It's amazing what beautiful images can turn up with the right words.
Lately, because I really want to write a novel, I have been looking at derelict houses. I find this one striking.
Do you wonder what stories it has to tell? I do. Entire generations might have come and gone through it's doors. Mostly I
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(For details on the campaign itself plus a link there's another blog on my page for that )
You can judge the worth of a society by how it treats it's most vulnerable members. Too often we take a group such as the homeless or drug addicts or criminals and we throw them and their problems in the too hard basket. Since complex issues can't...
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"Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future, the past, old friends long gone...and the cocks of men so old they make Monty Burns look like a member of One Direction." - Yoda
Well I was going to post a nice blog about nice things...like the correct method of milking Giant Pandas ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) and my plans for a sexy...
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"If you're a really clever one, and you know what it is to see...then you can make friends with a special one. A friend of you and me." - The Babadook
I carry a lot of bad shit around in my head. Aside from the mental health problems, which I have detailed in the past, there's things in here that I'm really not proud of....
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The one, and the only, Sterling Archer. The world's greatest spy...who also happens to be a perpetual man child with serious parenting issues, borderline alcoholism, serious sex fetishes and a horribly inflated ego.
If you haven't seen Archer on FX then go watch it. Picture James Bond in a horrible office environment, surrounded by people as dysfunctional as he is. There's Mallory ( Sterling's mum
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You will have noticed that my page has become about blogs dealing with all kinds of random shit. Photos are few and far between. I would rather give you a window into what goes on in my head than anything else.
This is an artist's impression of me last night while I was grappling with the confounded Pickle Matrix.
So it's been a while since
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"And if love is a bolt from the blue, then what is a bolt but a glorified screw?" - Augie March
So after yesterday's orgy of blogging, I promised myself I would give myself a break. But like a compulsive masturbator, the need overtakes common sense and once again we are off to the races.
So let's talk a little about desire. Let's face it...SG...
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