"Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future, the past, old friends long gone...and the cocks of men so old they make Monty Burns look like a member of One Direction." - Yoda
Well I was going to post a nice blog about nice things...like the correct method of milking Giant Pandas ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) and my plans for a sexy Walter White cosplay for Halloween.
But some dirty old man ( hereafter called Monty ) decided to troll SG this morning so I feel compelled to write about that instead. His hurtful comments have apparently been all over the site today so I'm firing back. I don't care if he never reads this post. I'm writing it for me and for my friends on this site.
Frankly it makes me feel ill to have to even start on a subject like this. I hate giving oxygen to awful people. I don't believe that the world should be hugs and puppies, but have we not risen beyond this behaviour?
Fuck you, old man. Not literally of course. My skin is too supple to be violated by the likes of you. But fuck your belief that you could sign up here then hurt people and then walk away without consequence.
Telling someone that they are fat or that they have a flat ass is very, very juvenile. If you want to fling those kind of comments then have at it. I will gladly reply back that before you pass judgement on anyone else, get into a gym and tone up your own baggy ass. And Monty, your elderly dick and balls look like one of Tolkien's Ents caught fire.
Hey Monty, people in glass houses...remember that one?
Is it ego? Is it power? I don't understand what drives someone to do this. If you want to hurt someone, walk up to them on the street and smack them in the mouth. I could respect that at least for a vestige of honesty. But hiding behind a keyboard and a screen is so fucking gutless it defies logic.
Monty, I wonder if you have a wife and kids. If you do, then you don't deserve them. If you're a lonely old man then that's good. You don't deserve the joy of company.
To all my SG friends, I'm glad to be here and I love your company. But I'm well aware that my time here comes with an expiry date, so if you ever feel that I'm turning into Monty please shoot me in the face before that happens. I would rather that than wreck something beautiful.
(Written on behalf of @groovydelight and any others that have been trolled today )