Periscope and the behaviour of trolls sometimes makes me feel like this, and that really upsets me. Just like Homer J, this is not who I am.
It makes me feel like all the effort put into trying to rise above is all for nothing. When I see this lack of respect, it makes me not want to participate out of concern that I'm going to be tarred with the same brush and I'm sure I'm not the only one. That's a real shame, because it means that good people will miss out.
Personally, I love the idea of Periscope. Being able to talk to some of the amazing people here on SG has been fantastic and I look forward to hopefully making new friendships.
What I can't stand is that Periscope is so lacking in courtesy. While it's easy to block or ignore someone saying horrible things, should someone gutsy enough to go on a live stream have to be concerned about having to do it? No. They should be able to stream and know that they are going to be respected.
I know that I complain about trolls a lot, and that complaining is just pissing in the wind, but wouldn't it be nice to participate in something without comments like ( and I swear these are real including the spelling errors ) "suck my dik", "show your bobs" and "nipples please".
It's not funny. It's not clever. And it's sure as shit not going to endear you to any self respecting woman.