Its spring time... a time a rebirth ... the flowers are blooming and pollen is in the air.... the birds are singing... and the girls are stripping down... yes its tanning season ! I make a speical trip when walking from my parking space to school to go through Marion sqaure; I avoid the square in the winter when all you will encounter are the homeless.... but today it was full of half naked girls tanning
It makes me sad though that they are going to bake their already perfect (to me at least) skin . ..... I am a pale skin lover and the girls were looking good today ,but i fear that in a few weeks their skin will turn to that horrish redish/bronze color EWWW. I really wish they would not tan so much! Its really stupid they dont know how good their skin looks and they are ruining it.!
Other stuff: well I want an apartment.... so i need a job.... so I applied for a job.... hopefully the sequence of events will continue as so ... gets job... gets apartment........ One thing that is going to make it difficult is that I do not want a roommate! So thats going to be extra ! But I do have alot extra in that college fund I am more than half way through school and have not even spent like 1/8 of it yet! I dont want a roomate because I hate people! Unless they are female that is....
Also should i get color contacts? if so Green, Blue, or Grey?

Other stuff: well I want an apartment.... so i need a job.... so I applied for a job.... hopefully the sequence of events will continue as so ... gets job... gets apartment........ One thing that is going to make it difficult is that I do not want a roommate! So thats going to be extra ! But I do have alot extra in that college fund I am more than half way through school and have not even spent like 1/8 of it yet! I dont want a roomate because I hate people! Unless they are female that is....
Also should i get color contacts? if so Green, Blue, or Grey?