I think i am getting sick
my throat hurts. waaa
Some girl is flirting with me, but she already has a very serious boyfriend so I am kinda confused! Its a long distance relationship with her and her boyfriend, yea i dont really know what to do. I dont really want to be her guy on the side.
Well in fun news I had another dream about kissing!@!!!!!
I was kissing Elisha Cuthbert omg!!! it was an awsome dream!!! Then I woke up i was like FUCK that was just a dream. The pillow was not covered in drool this time (last time i had a dream about kissing it was soaked with drool)

Some girl is flirting with me, but she already has a very serious boyfriend so I am kinda confused! Its a long distance relationship with her and her boyfriend, yea i dont really know what to do. I dont really want to be her guy on the side.
Well in fun news I had another dream about kissing!@!!!!!

I was kissing Elisha Cuthbert omg!!! it was an awsome dream!!! Then I woke up i was like FUCK that was just a dream. The pillow was not covered in drool this time (last time i had a dream about kissing it was soaked with drool)
I hope you're feeling better today!! If not, may I make a suggestion?? Last week I started to become a little worried when my lymphnodes started to swell and ache. I had several people sugguest that I take AIRBORNE. I took it twice a day for 3 days. By the end of day 3, I couldn't remember being sick. Give it a go and see what happens!!
Stay away from girls who already have boyfriends. If they'll cheat on him, they'll cheat on you.
I hope you feel better soon!!