So I got in a little spat with the wall today... not really sure how I fell... i just remember crawling back to bed and then feeling a big gash on the back of my head. So my mom drove me to the doctor.. I got 10 stitches.. which suprised me cause it was hardly bleeding lol!. I had to get an x-ray done to see if my skull cracked... lucky I have a good skull and it did not crack! The wall is pretty messed up too though dont think i let it get off easy...
the wall
yea my head looks really gross it has all kinds of crap in it and I cannot wash it till tommorow!

the wall
yea my head looks really gross it has all kinds of crap in it and I cannot wash it till tommorow!

I hope your head feels better soon! ouchies...
keep in touch xoxoxo kl