I forget I have this account. Long time since I last did anything with it.
It's weird, I can use this site as a retrospective of the last 6 years of my life (in a way).
Lots of things have changed.
I have a house now. I ended up getting a second dog. Forced to be concerned with plumbing, remodeling, dehumidifiers, refinishing hardwood floors, etc.
I decided that I really like Providence. It took awhile to make a decision between Prov and Boston, but I feel like going back to Boston is like looking in on a shop window of a former life. It's strange and it feels less like I'm actually living my life in the here and now.
It's weird, I can use this site as a retrospective of the last 6 years of my life (in a way).
Lots of things have changed.
I have a house now. I ended up getting a second dog. Forced to be concerned with plumbing, remodeling, dehumidifiers, refinishing hardwood floors, etc.
I decided that I really like Providence. It took awhile to make a decision between Prov and Boston, but I feel like going back to Boston is like looking in on a shop window of a former life. It's strange and it feels less like I'm actually living my life in the here and now.
sounds like a good idea living in the now 

So, you a derby girl? I used to coach
I asked because I saw you in your derby t shirt