Last night was one of those that went from excellent to horribly awkward to downright horrible.
My friends organized a pub crawl and I invited yet more friends.
Things started off fun, but the rain of Hurricane Irene scared a lot of people off until later.
It was our goal to hit up every sketchy bar in Brighton, from the Last Drop to Hogan's Run to the Silouette.
Portions of this were fantastic, but unnecessary drama (yours truly is part of the blame) ruined things.
I keep thinking I've made a huge mistake by coming back here. I think I should have said "fuck New England," and decided to head to the Pacific Northwest, or Austin, or SOMEWHERE else. After New York, things are tough and frustrating here. New York was an insane pace, and it would wear me out, but to some extent, I felt like there was always so much potential...potential for new people, new experiences, being on the edge of everything, but also being able to savor the existing glory.
That being said: Where should I go next?
My friends organized a pub crawl and I invited yet more friends.
Things started off fun, but the rain of Hurricane Irene scared a lot of people off until later.
It was our goal to hit up every sketchy bar in Brighton, from the Last Drop to Hogan's Run to the Silouette.
Portions of this were fantastic, but unnecessary drama (yours truly is part of the blame) ruined things.
I keep thinking I've made a huge mistake by coming back here. I think I should have said "fuck New England," and decided to head to the Pacific Northwest, or Austin, or SOMEWHERE else. After New York, things are tough and frustrating here. New York was an insane pace, and it would wear me out, but to some extent, I felt like there was always so much potential...potential for new people, new experiences, being on the edge of everything, but also being able to savor the existing glory.
That being said: Where should I go next?

i have no clue where you should go next..but like stuff?