My life if a mix of good and bad stress.
I think I may have started getting out of my asexual phase. Phew,
I'm still nervous about why I have been reacting/ not reacting to certain situations.
My mom is visiting. I love her, but sometimes she makes me so anxious, nervous, stressed. She smoked 3 cigarretes withing an hour tonight and said she wanted...
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running topless on the train tracks? now THAT would have made for some fucking awesome pictures
I am at home, listening to the thunderstorms. I find pounding rain oddly calming.
I think....balmy....may be a good way to describe the situation right now.
I'm glad I was motivated enough to hang curtains and blinds so I can hang out in my underwear without wondering if I'm freaking out the neighbors.
Okay, so, Boston is off. No concert for me. With...
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wow, its been a minute since you updated
Eh...it was actually just this stupid website messing up.

Me= Cranky now that the rain has died down.

Good things: I have had two good weekends in a row. Whoo.
Last weekend was Beantown. Hanging with a new crowd of gay boys (my good friend seems to need at least one in her life at all times) and hitting up my friends' Dirty South Party. Also, there was a sale at Fluevog.
Despite adorning myself in Rocca wear, including obnoxious glasses, I still...
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Nice ASSets!

Is Fluevog a shoe store I Harvard Square??? I think I almost bought a pair of great shoes there once...I think, I thought!
Thanks for the comment on my set!
Current location: Boston/ Brookline
Current mood: Decent?
Current plans: Movies, parties, friends, chilling, old apartment, maybe the beach.
Let me know if there is anything cool going on...or nerdy...or if you want to hang out.
i never thought of "decent" as a mood but i might have to use that now
i should come and steal some kitties. meow.
Long time, no consistent internet.
I finally have my cable/ internet connected and my wireless configured yadda yadda.
Yay for being able to access the SG's again.

I am settling into my new life in a new place.
I live alone...and that can cause one to be a bit lonely...no one to share food with or shares bills like cable...but the freedom from the bitches...
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Good to see that things are going well? Do you miss JP?
I'm currently waiting for my flight to Amsterdam. From there, I will go directly to Hamburg, where I will meet up with an old friend. We may then go to Denmark or Prague for a bit. Or do some day trips. From there, I go to Amsterdam for the end of my trip.
If you have any advice or suggestions, throw them my way!
If you go to Prague, be sure to visit the Mala Strana section of the city. Prague was one of the only European cities not destroyed by bombs during world war II. The Mala Strana has dozens of these old buildings that look like something out of Willa Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Happy Easter

If you are interested in seeing the Boston Vagina Monologues, here is the info:
V-Day Boston 2007 presents The Vagina Monologues
Friday, February 23rd and Saturday, Feburary 24th
Doors open at 7 pm, show at 8 pm
Roxbury Center for the Arts at Hibernian Hall
184 Dudley Street, Roxbury MA 02119
Street parking and small parking lot available for car-poolers; 1
block from Dudley Square...
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u are on e of the most best looling ive seen on this site so take that to heart and let me me know how u feeel on that???....
Okay, less bitching and screaming this week.
One thing I have to note is that things rarely go as I would expect.
This week, I had odd dates, V-Day stuff to work on, and the standard job stuff.
Friday night, I found that I had not one, but two flat tires. Either I went over some monstrous ridge in the road, or someone hates me....
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This is one of those entries that starts with "AHHHHHHHHHHH"
It's Friday night. my entry should start with "ah!" in a relaxing way, or "uuuuAAAAAHHHHHH" in a drunken way...or I shouldn't be writing on a Friday at all....BUT
I had a shitty day for a lot of reasons. The first had to do with work and my ongoing frustrations there.
Then I bought a...
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FUCKING A! You deserve the trip! love
So far so good...still getting settled in my place really. I think I'm going to like it, though.javascript:insertSmilie('smile', 'insertTarget'); smile
I want to go to Coachella this year.

So, aside from the headliners all being bands that defined the 90's (for me) and a big chunk of my life in one way or another, so many other acts I either have always wanted to see, or want to see again, or whatever. AHHHHH.
Peaches, Dj Shadow, The Roots, Willie Nelson, Placebo, even PVD.
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I want to go! About all I can promisefrown
i would die to go to see Rage Against The Macine play for there one day reunion
I haven't been on here in a bit.
I have been busy, I suppose
Rehearsals are gearing up
Numerous friends have been visiting.
It has felt good, but exhausting.
Some were tiring in the good way.
Some were less so...
At times I feel as though my friends are slowing down
And I don't want to.
I love to relax and recharge.
But I'm not...
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It's good to be busy like that.
Who is ready to be bored??? whatever

rehearsals? surreal
Holy neon bras! love
Smitten's set is exactly what I'm looking for: Trashy Christmas porn. One of my favorite genres of porn. Last year had such a variety though! And one set in particular was based on that "Christmas Story" movie and was so beautifully shot. *sigh*. I just don't get Vivid's set. Not conventional enough for me. There's no room for art in Christmas porn, just camp... pure... camp.

Angie's hair in the pictures I saw was not a haircut that I would think would look good on anyone. It had these weird little straight-cut short bangs in the front, and it was just weird. However, I saw it and was amazed at how pretty it made her. I don't think her hair tends to agree with it's current length (a more conventional just-past-the-shoulders look) so I should encourage her to cut it way down and see if she likes it. She's been bitching about the length, so it might work.

You should post more pictures. With or without effects.