I'm sittin here watchin the Patriot. Jason Isaacs and Heath Ledger.
They're prolly two of the only men that could make me wet myself.
I really wanna put up some better and more recent photos. But my digital camera hates me and I either need new batteries or an AC adaptor. I prolly just need both but I'm lazy..
I worked last nite .. but it was so uber slow we were just sittin on barstools. Not fun. That and I only made 7 bucks in tips.
WOAH I need a job. *thumbs down*

I really wanna put up some better and more recent photos. But my digital camera hates me and I either need new batteries or an AC adaptor. I prolly just need both but I'm lazy..
I worked last nite .. but it was so uber slow we were just sittin on barstools. Not fun. That and I only made 7 bucks in tips.
WOAH I need a job. *thumbs down*
welcome to SG pittsburgh.
