I'm sittin here watchin the Patriot. Jason Isaacs and Heath Ledger. They're prolly two of the only men that could make me wet myself.
I really wanna put up some better and more recent photos. But my digital camera hates me and I either need new batteries or an AC adaptor. I prolly just need both but I'm lazy..
trig isnt that bad but it must be fun to sleep in but than again i sleep in all the time but i cant sleep till like 6 am but than i do work till like 4 or 5 am
I had Trig again today. I hate that class so bad. Before we could leave, we had to finish these 6 problems and they had to be right. My instructor even had to explain two of them to me. The only reason I was pretending I knew wtf I was doing was because I wanted out of there so bad. *sigh*
I hate hate HATE Trig. I have all this prequisite shit to do before my class tomorrow. It's awful. I'm going to fail before I ever even start. Perhaps I could talk some cute girl into tutoring me..