It's amazing how depressed Trent Reznor can make me feel. Seriously, there is nothing going wrong in my life right now. Things are actually really well! But man, I throw on The Downward Spiral for 20 minutes and I feel like jumping off a bridge. Seriously, what a great fucking songwriter that guy is. His lyrics may be a bit trite and one-sided, but he's an amazing composer. I dare you to try and argue that.
Let's liven things up with some Swedish Melodic Death Metal, shall we? Hmm... Let's see. Ah, yes. The new Dark Tranquillity single.
Ah. That's better. I swear to Christ, i'm moving to Sweden some day. Those guys sure know how to metal. Just look at those dreads twirl! Glorious!!!
This just in: I'm growing out and dreading my hair. I will soon after master the metal hair twirl... With dreads!
Let's see, what's new in the world of Moist? I'm still making music with my pal Danny. We have a strong catalogue of original songs, including our pride and joy: "Glory Hole".
Yeah, it's about exactly what you think it's about. And it is pure fucking Rockabilly.
We also have some covers under our belt. We've got plenty of bases covered: White Stripes, NIN, Dio, Van Morrison, The Pixies (Although we may be scratching this cover... We haven't been 'feeling it' lately). Should make for some interesting live shows when we grow some balls and try to start booking some. That, and when we can get a full-time bassist.
I might have a new Condo soon. Nice! Maybe this time when I have my own place, I can avoid smoking myself into a stupor.
How do you cure a sore eye? Seriously, my eye fucking hurts. This, and my poop has been suspiciously, well, 'wet' lately. Quite the drag.
I finally saw 300 tonight in the Imax theatre. Heather and I drove way the hell out to Deer Valley for that. She's such a doll. She already saw the movie, but came out with me to see it anyway. She even paid for it!!! (Relax, I paid for dinner) It was pretty good. Nothing to write home about, but it was a good flick.
Paolo Lies, and is aparantly God of the Persians. Who knew?
Persian chicks are pretty hot. Ya know, except for the sideburns.
Come to think of it, the sideburns are kind of hot. It reminds me of me.
I often wonder what fucking myself would be like.
Answer: Borderline satisfying, but still left wondering whether he (being me, of course) just got lazy and gave up after a while.
You know what else is satisfying? Hahaha, no silly! Not balls! I was going to say an ice cold milk shake, of course!
You're thinking about balls now, aren't you?

This is how I operate. I slip in once every 7 or 8 days and leave you pondering my sloppy bowel movements and balls. Enjoy!
Let's liven things up with some Swedish Melodic Death Metal, shall we? Hmm... Let's see. Ah, yes. The new Dark Tranquillity single.
Ah. That's better. I swear to Christ, i'm moving to Sweden some day. Those guys sure know how to metal. Just look at those dreads twirl! Glorious!!!
This just in: I'm growing out and dreading my hair. I will soon after master the metal hair twirl... With dreads!
Let's see, what's new in the world of Moist? I'm still making music with my pal Danny. We have a strong catalogue of original songs, including our pride and joy: "Glory Hole".
Yeah, it's about exactly what you think it's about. And it is pure fucking Rockabilly.
We also have some covers under our belt. We've got plenty of bases covered: White Stripes, NIN, Dio, Van Morrison, The Pixies (Although we may be scratching this cover... We haven't been 'feeling it' lately). Should make for some interesting live shows when we grow some balls and try to start booking some. That, and when we can get a full-time bassist.
I might have a new Condo soon. Nice! Maybe this time when I have my own place, I can avoid smoking myself into a stupor.
How do you cure a sore eye? Seriously, my eye fucking hurts. This, and my poop has been suspiciously, well, 'wet' lately. Quite the drag.
I finally saw 300 tonight in the Imax theatre. Heather and I drove way the hell out to Deer Valley for that. She's such a doll. She already saw the movie, but came out with me to see it anyway. She even paid for it!!! (Relax, I paid for dinner) It was pretty good. Nothing to write home about, but it was a good flick.
Paolo Lies, and is aparantly God of the Persians. Who knew?
Persian chicks are pretty hot. Ya know, except for the sideburns.
Come to think of it, the sideburns are kind of hot. It reminds me of me.
I often wonder what fucking myself would be like.
Answer: Borderline satisfying, but still left wondering whether he (being me, of course) just got lazy and gave up after a while.
You know what else is satisfying? Hahaha, no silly! Not balls! I was going to say an ice cold milk shake, of course!
You're thinking about balls now, aren't you?
This is how I operate. I slip in once every 7 or 8 days and leave you pondering my sloppy bowel movements and balls. Enjoy!
it's sweet
"<racial stereotype> DEE-DEE-DEE!"