I don't even know how to start this...
When I was young my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to keep a journal. Something to help me develop my writing skills, and to provide a moment to reflect upon the events of my day. Yeah, that lasted about three days. I find it funny that I now have this blank page in front of me titled "journal" that I am compelled to fill....
Friday night was great. Patronized an awesome vegi friendly Chinese restaurant in Berkley before heading to the venerable Gilman to check out a few punk bands. If you ever see "Long Life Vegi Braised Tofu Lion Head" on a menu, don't get it. It is not nearly as cool as the name might suggest.... I haven't been to a straight up punk show in a couple of years, so it was great seeing all of the stereotypical hypocrisy all over again. I could hardly contain the laughter at the sight of angst filled teens trying their best to exude a sense of anarchy, while text messaging there friends. The bands were really good though, and it was fun to be back in the mess if only for a minute.
My Guy Bourdin Exhibit A book showed up as well, so I was pretty much inundated with beautiful fashion photos all weekend. If only I had time to shoot more...
When I was young my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to keep a journal. Something to help me develop my writing skills, and to provide a moment to reflect upon the events of my day. Yeah, that lasted about three days. I find it funny that I now have this blank page in front of me titled "journal" that I am compelled to fill....
Friday night was great. Patronized an awesome vegi friendly Chinese restaurant in Berkley before heading to the venerable Gilman to check out a few punk bands. If you ever see "Long Life Vegi Braised Tofu Lion Head" on a menu, don't get it. It is not nearly as cool as the name might suggest.... I haven't been to a straight up punk show in a couple of years, so it was great seeing all of the stereotypical hypocrisy all over again. I could hardly contain the laughter at the sight of angst filled teens trying their best to exude a sense of anarchy, while text messaging there friends. The bands were really good though, and it was fun to be back in the mess if only for a minute.
My Guy Bourdin Exhibit A book showed up as well, so I was pretty much inundated with beautiful fashion photos all weekend. If only I had time to shoot more...