"But still I push my barrow all the day
Still I push my barrow all the day"
So in a slightly morbid and somewhat introspective mood I decided it would be a good idea to take some artsy pictures of the damaged vehicle. I figure I could frame them on the wall, all pretty like to remind me of all the weird fucked up shit that goes on at any given moment of my life. And to take these moments in stride.
For a little while now I've been joking that this relatively new car might be cursed. With the random accidents, and a few other odd incidents in the short period of time I owned it.. I figured it had to be something. Trying to take pictures of it further reinforced the weirdness of it in my oddly superstitious mind.
I tried to take the first pics on Friday night. I loaded up my gear and headed to the location I wanted to shoot. Got everything out, and almost setup, when I realized I was missing some key equipment I swore I'd brought. Pack up, drive back home, find the missing pieces. Drive back to the location, reset, and get ready to shoot. I fire up the strobes, and for some reason the freshly charged battery pack is completely dead.... Ok.. Giving up for tonight. I try again on Sunday. Equipment is triple checked before I load up, everything is good. Get to the location, setup, get ready to shoot.... Cable release breaks. I have to hold the thing together with two hands to get it to fire the first picture. Pull the first picture out... Exposure is way off, and I can't figure out why... Shoot another one. This time the film back sticks in the camera. It takes me 15 minutes just to get it out. And when I finally do, the film sheet splits in two pieces when I go to process it... pic two ruined. I find all of this extremely ridiculous, because my cameras are pretty much extensions of myself. I don't have to think to use them. Everything usually comes easily, and quickly for me. I finally get everything reset, and take the last few pics. They all get weird exposure variances, and each one was a total pain in the ass.
I think the final pics definitely convey the gritty weirdness of it all..
Still I push my barrow all the day"

So in a slightly morbid and somewhat introspective mood I decided it would be a good idea to take some artsy pictures of the damaged vehicle. I figure I could frame them on the wall, all pretty like to remind me of all the weird fucked up shit that goes on at any given moment of my life. And to take these moments in stride.

For a little while now I've been joking that this relatively new car might be cursed. With the random accidents, and a few other odd incidents in the short period of time I owned it.. I figured it had to be something. Trying to take pictures of it further reinforced the weirdness of it in my oddly superstitious mind.

I tried to take the first pics on Friday night. I loaded up my gear and headed to the location I wanted to shoot. Got everything out, and almost setup, when I realized I was missing some key equipment I swore I'd brought. Pack up, drive back home, find the missing pieces. Drive back to the location, reset, and get ready to shoot. I fire up the strobes, and for some reason the freshly charged battery pack is completely dead.... Ok.. Giving up for tonight. I try again on Sunday. Equipment is triple checked before I load up, everything is good. Get to the location, setup, get ready to shoot.... Cable release breaks. I have to hold the thing together with two hands to get it to fire the first picture. Pull the first picture out... Exposure is way off, and I can't figure out why... Shoot another one. This time the film back sticks in the camera. It takes me 15 minutes just to get it out. And when I finally do, the film sheet splits in two pieces when I go to process it... pic two ruined. I find all of this extremely ridiculous, because my cameras are pretty much extensions of myself. I don't have to think to use them. Everything usually comes easily, and quickly for me. I finally get everything reset, and take the last few pics. They all get weird exposure variances, and each one was a total pain in the ass.

I think the final pics definitely convey the gritty weirdness of it all..
If you were seeking to confuse me as I did you, it worked. ♥
So randomly, I just noticed my skin care lead isn't on the schedule anymore. We're down two managers again, wheeee! Going to be an interesting day at work. And yes, I feel better.