In what seems to be a running trend in the rollercoaster that is my life. I walked out yesterday morning to find my car sitting in the parking lot with a smashed out window, missing battery, and possibly all my gas siphoned out.
I find it tragic that Im becoming way to accustomed to the feeling of getting kicked in the teeth every time I try to look up.
After a new battery and lots of headaches, it had to get towed to the shop since it seems to be having electrical problems now. Maxed out credit cards, and an overdrawn bank account make this even more painful.
I dont buy CDs very often, mostly just because I dont really have the money to spend on them I broke down and bought three new albums last week, all of which are gone now, at least I got to listen to them all once.
haha...MAD RESPECT TO YOU homeslice........hollla

If it makes you feel any better My jeep got egged and I didn't find out till it was too late and now what was once nice paint on the sides is totally trashed and nasty looking. Drunk hit me and now her insurance don't want to pay as much as they should, registration has not come so I gotta go wait in line in person, Had to replace the whole engine, radiator, water pump, and now the transmission has a leak and I am gonna have to fix that. There is more, but I cannot recall it all. YOUR NOT ALONE
If you need some help with that stuff let me know I was lucky to have friends with rides and stuff. Maybe I can introdice you to a good mechanic that does great work for a good price. OR a shady shade tree mechanic to do a job that at least gets you running