THOSE MOTHER FUCKIN SONS OF BITCHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY GRIDS MY GEARS............................i got caught up in a tv series on netflix on one of my days off. after the first episode i was hooked. haven't ever been a star trek or star wars fan but for some reason i really really like the stargate series. watched stargate atlantis all the way through...every single episode. it was fantastic and the ending was good. so i begin to watch stargate universe with no expectations and like i said after the first episode i was hooked. so for the past few weeks i have watched with excitement on what is going to happen and biting my finger nails in anticipation. well low and behold i watch the last episode tonight and...................YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! YOUR GOING TO FUCKING END IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!! i didn't panic because not all seasons are on netflix so.........i google it. well according to WIKIPEDIA the assholes never picked up a third season. but wait in the same hopes are not crushed yet because a movie was planned to answer the CLIFFHANGER of a last episode from season two. just when i thought there was light at the end of the tunnel in the same sentence it said the douche bag writers and producers canceled the movie and there are no plans to resolve the issue. WELL you know what i say to that...........PULL YOUR HEADS FROM YOUR ASSS' *best plural for ass i could come up with* AND LETS FUCKIN FINISH THIS SHIT! you take weeks of my free time to leave me sitting on the couch wondering WHAT THE FUCK is gonna happen and if they all are gonna make it. something needs to happen before i have an aneurysm.........
so here is to the writers of the series that were being gay ass hats and decided not to finish what they started
p.s. now i gotta find a new series to that wont leave me so heart broken and empty at the end lmfao
YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY GRIDS MY GEARS............................i got caught up in a tv series on netflix on one of my days off. after the first episode i was hooked. haven't ever been a star trek or star wars fan but for some reason i really really like the stargate series. watched stargate atlantis all the way through...every single episode. it was fantastic and the ending was good. so i begin to watch stargate universe with no expectations and like i said after the first episode i was hooked. so for the past few weeks i have watched with excitement on what is going to happen and biting my finger nails in anticipation. well low and behold i watch the last episode tonight and...................YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! YOUR GOING TO FUCKING END IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!! i didn't panic because not all seasons are on netflix so.........i google it. well according to WIKIPEDIA the assholes never picked up a third season. but wait in the same hopes are not crushed yet because a movie was planned to answer the CLIFFHANGER of a last episode from season two. just when i thought there was light at the end of the tunnel in the same sentence it said the douche bag writers and producers canceled the movie and there are no plans to resolve the issue. WELL you know what i say to that...........PULL YOUR HEADS FROM YOUR ASSS' *best plural for ass i could come up with* AND LETS FUCKIN FINISH THIS SHIT! you take weeks of my free time to leave me sitting on the couch wondering WHAT THE FUCK is gonna happen and if they all are gonna make it. something needs to happen before i have an aneurysm.........
so here is to the writers of the series that were being gay ass hats and decided not to finish what they started

p.s. now i gotta find a new series to that wont leave me so heart broken and empty at the end lmfao