Horrid and crazy fun night last night. Went to see My buddies band last night at the Dragonfly. The music was fantastic, the band was tight, they played my favorit punk song of all time first. No problems. All My sober firends were there plus a tom more folks. J., the bass player and My oldest friend there asked me to bring the band some drinks from the bar on his tab. No prob', I don't know the whole band, i didn't think about whut might happen bnext. Jason downed the shot and grabbed the beer without a thought. I reeled back in horror. J. has been struggling with getting clean for a VERY long time. I feel like such an enabler. I had no idea he was going off on a binge again. He had also asked for water, I thought THAT was for him. My god but that sucked.
But whatever, right? Live and let live.