I dunno aboutr you, but this is the time of year that I start to worry and dread....april. Taxes, and sailly spending benders of the last year come to mind, and now, for the second year in a row, I have someone sharing My life with me and My choices affect more then just selfish self! The skinny: I OWE back taxes, big time, I ain't paid in a few years, got caught in the "fear" thing of it all, and the years have flown by. Jenni knows and is helping Me thru all of it. Making Me understand just how much she loves Me, insisting on Me taking care of this rather then getting her any gifts for christmas or our annaversary on the 17th. Who thought I could find such a love, and such a partner? Goddamn i'm a lucky so & so......

I used to be in the same fear boat when it came to filing. Thankfully I now have a wonderful acountant. I wish you well.
I don't know anything about taxes...