Howdy All! i'm still unpacking!! Oy!!!! Found My pant, thank gawd, thanks for all the advice Y'all gave about that (yuk yukyuk!)!
I'm so sorry about the meeting on Saturday last, I was all in the moving mode and totally flaked on the meet n' greet! Jeebus, DARE We try again for this Saturday???
I'm so sorry about the meeting on Saturday last, I was all in the moving mode and totally flaked on the meet n' greet! Jeebus, DARE We try again for this Saturday???

Mo, you are the best by far. you're catching one who's young and on the the verge of......I'm going to get very drunk tommorow, but after that i am dry, The shit's played out by far. The Golden years promises gallons of great vino topping off beauitful pasta's and other dieterary unmentionables, but for now now I'm over it. Any meeting you cats can kick i'm all for.
Checking my emails tonight i found out my reply to you wasn't properly sent. What i basically wrote was that i had to work until 4:30pm tonight so i could'nt make it. but if you could send me a schedual or something, i'd greatly appreciate it.