well we be back!!! Ohio was sooooo pretty, and very slow after many many years in Los Angeles. I got stared at more then Pamela Lee! I guess they don't see many full sleeve tattoo's in the big O! Funny, the Hell City Tat' convention was THIS weekend in Columbus (?!?!), so we missed out on a collection of like minded freaks. some of the best stuff Jenni & I did had nothing to do with human interaction and all to do with nature. We spent a afternoon in the Holen Arboretum, hiking in nature, forrests and fields, ponds and bogs. The day before We took in the Cleveland Art Museum, I saw My favorite painting of all time, The burning of the house of lords by J.W. Turner, fucking awesome, but THEN we hit the Cleveland Garden Center and that was fantastic! They have built up this building with two entire new wings that have entire enviorments of Madagascar and Costa Rica in them. The flora, the fauna, ther birds, animals and the BUTTERFLYS! Wow!
Cleveland had some dissapointments, namely the flats and coventry are dying but there were pleasent surprises like those listed above.
Cleveland had some dissapointments, namely the flats and coventry are dying but there were pleasent surprises like those listed above.