Well, it's been a few days since I've done an update, so here's the story.
After not getting a phone call from the girl I was interested in, I went to visit her at her workplace where I first met her. I was feeling confrontational, so I figured if I showed up, she would have two choices. Explain her actions or get told off, and although I felt like just telling her off, I allowed her the opportunity to speak.
She apologized feverishly for not calling me and promised me repeatedly that she would call me that night. I wasn't holding my breath, but I figured if nothing else I could just go back the next day and see how many four letter words I could string together.
That night she called, and we talked for almost an hour. Really hit it off well. Since then she has called me multiple times, and we've got a date scheduled for tomorrow night. As much as I spited her for not calling me the last time, I'm confident as hell that patience paid off in full and that we're both in for a really great ride. I feel wonderful around her. It's amazing how her company alone fills my heart. I smile every time she calls. I haven't felt like this in a very long time. Every time I am with her, her smiles are as constant as mine, and this just makes me grin even bigger. I've been in full on white knight mode for the last few days, and although I'm a true romantic at heart, it dosen't always come through as clearly as it does when I think I've found something this good.
She's really swept me off my feet. I just hope we can become what I hope us to be.
After not getting a phone call from the girl I was interested in, I went to visit her at her workplace where I first met her. I was feeling confrontational, so I figured if I showed up, she would have two choices. Explain her actions or get told off, and although I felt like just telling her off, I allowed her the opportunity to speak.
She apologized feverishly for not calling me and promised me repeatedly that she would call me that night. I wasn't holding my breath, but I figured if nothing else I could just go back the next day and see how many four letter words I could string together.
That night she called, and we talked for almost an hour. Really hit it off well. Since then she has called me multiple times, and we've got a date scheduled for tomorrow night. As much as I spited her for not calling me the last time, I'm confident as hell that patience paid off in full and that we're both in for a really great ride. I feel wonderful around her. It's amazing how her company alone fills my heart. I smile every time she calls. I haven't felt like this in a very long time. Every time I am with her, her smiles are as constant as mine, and this just makes me grin even bigger. I've been in full on white knight mode for the last few days, and although I'm a true romantic at heart, it dosen't always come through as clearly as it does when I think I've found something this good.
She's really swept me off my feet. I just hope we can become what I hope us to be.
Well, that and Pizza Rolls and Molson
I'm back, too