Hmm... "how's life?" you ask? No, of course you didn't. But I'll tell you anyway.
I haven't really been around SG much, stop by and lurk every once in a while (mostly during hulu commercials). Work is great, got a promotion back in August (go pay increase!). Next month I'm being reassigned to help with training the new blood. It's only temp assignment but it should take me through Feb. I'll basically be the glorified equivalent of a TA. Alas no pay increase there.
Not much else going on really. I was out in la a few weeks ago, then spent a night in Vegas. Other than that my social life is non existent, my xbox red circled, I managed to watch the first two seasons of Dexter last week... Oh and I highly recommend reading the Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson.
I haven't really been around SG much, stop by and lurk every once in a while (mostly during hulu commercials). Work is great, got a promotion back in August (go pay increase!). Next month I'm being reassigned to help with training the new blood. It's only temp assignment but it should take me through Feb. I'll basically be the glorified equivalent of a TA. Alas no pay increase there.
Not much else going on really. I was out in la a few weeks ago, then spent a night in Vegas. Other than that my social life is non existent, my xbox red circled, I managed to watch the first two seasons of Dexter last week... Oh and I highly recommend reading the Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson.
what is that from?
I am scared to look up the GoBots. They were my favorites (even better than Transformers), and I don't want them to suck