well i'll try to make a real blog today
okay i got to be honest here I have no idea why i keep wishing you people a merry saturday, for me saturday is just another work day. and this saturday was crap with it being spring break and easter weekend and me in g-vegas far away from wherever everybody traveled to...
anyway cash decided to pull out her camera the other day at work,

did i mention i HATE work?
friday was alright though. after one of the slowest friday nights ever at the restaurant i work at, a few of us went out for a night on the town for b-bop's 21st...great times.
so here's a pic with my two girls; cash and b-bop

gods i look like shit, i think i'm about 5 months past due for a haircut as well

okay i got to be honest here I have no idea why i keep wishing you people a merry saturday, for me saturday is just another work day. and this saturday was crap with it being spring break and easter weekend and me in g-vegas far away from wherever everybody traveled to...
anyway cash decided to pull out her camera the other day at work,

did i mention i HATE work?
friday was alright though. after one of the slowest friday nights ever at the restaurant i work at, a few of us went out for a night on the town for b-bop's 21st...great times.
so here's a pic with my two girls; cash and b-bop

gods i look like shit, i think i'm about 5 months past due for a haircut as well
well, thank god they don't make you wear flair, that would constitute outright murder. I posted some pics of just how bad my hair is starting to get.
Overdue for a haircut? No way, dude!