So this has been a rediculously crazy couple of weeks. I was officialy made the manager of The Bakery and have subsequently been working 60hrs/wk in the lead up to christmas and chanuka. Also I just spent four days in oregon visiting with family. I found out the day before I left that my grandpa slipped on some ice. He's in his eighties with severe...
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I love the picture of you on heresys page. You are so cute....awww's smile

How is your grandpa doing? Any better? Yeah, the lessons in life, huh? I remember when I was prolly 7 or 8 hearing someone who was either very sick or dying saying all that they regreted from their life and it really stuck for me. I almost think a bout that shit too much.....like doing what I want to accomplish and saying what i feel and just no regrets. So far, so good. I think that is whats kinda cool about knowing old people.....being able to learn from their lives.

I just wish I had more monies$ to travel this planet with. Still trying to figure out how to make that happen..
yeah my dad has cancer and i'm not sure how much time he has left. we are not "close" exactly, we both have trouble saying what we feel sometimes, but i'm starting to realize just how much love there is between us.
Heyyy yooouu guyyys.....

sorry I haven't updated in so long...chaos ensues....

Thanksgiving was great...I worked everyday that week including thursday. tongue but really, it was great hanging out with the woman who supplied the world with a very special heresy. We went to the city on saturday and did all the christmas in new york stuff...it was cool seeing rockefeller plaza but, the crowds were sickening....fur...
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mmmm... now that i think of it... if i go to nyc for new years, i'll probably end up spending way more money than i should. i should stay in town...

if i go to the city in the future, i'll definately let u know.
update you goof ball!

everybodies gonna forget about your cute smilin face.... wink

miss you kid,
be home soon
a day off from work....a book...hot tea...red wine...


hey there sugar. heard about kingston. made me cry. now my makeups all fucked for work, and it is required that i wear it. shit, i dont care.

i sold out. working for aveda. it really sucks ass. i just hate malls, and people who shop in them.

i hope you are well.

elleseven kiss
Thanks for the encouragment and advice. They are healing really well and it isn't quite as bad as I expected. Just kinda a tender situation ..do you listen to Ween. Know that song?

kiss kiss
What is the most beautiful thing you've every laid eyes upon???

Heresy and I were walking out of his studio last night...a storm was picking up and the wind was blowing whirlwinds of leaves all throughout the atmosphere...amazing. We walked down the steps into the parking lot and saw an entire beam of light from a street light filled with swirling leaves, and at that...
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you say true, darlin'.

missing you.
I will play with Dracula for you. The inside of the nostril, that sounds pretty painful! My boyfriend is as much an animal over as I am so this little kitten is getting used to us really fast, I only put him down to let my boyfriend play with him when I'm home. blush
Happy Dia de los Muertos!!!!!

...to those of you who are unaware...today is the Day of the Dead.
It's a day to celebrate and remember all those wonderful people that left this world before you.

Project: go decorate a loved ones grave/make an alter to that person or better yet all deceased family members....think about someone special to you throughout the day....and....be happy that you...
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Yep, life is getting back to normal in La la land. I'm just chilling and smoking with my bf and watching a copy of I Heart Huckabees I downloaded. How are you dear, are you enjoying this site half as much as your heresy?
i almost forgot to answer your question. i've always read mythology and i've been curious about pagan religeons for some time. it's rare that you meet a pagan in person who'll talk about it all, so i figure i'll ask people while i have the chance. i guess i'm just wondering what exactly pagans do to celebrate spirituality.
I'm developing a hatred of food...

I work with the stuff every day...I watch people eat it every day...I'm surrounded by fatty, sugary, or tasteless green vegan food every day...

Is it bad to live off of coffee and cigarettes??
Is one meal a day going to really fuck my body up??
This seems like a tough predicament...I really enjoy cooking food, but lately I...
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thanx, i thought you'd appreciate that...gizmo...mogwa... the two of you have a lot in common. wink

hey, by the way can i ask you about paganism? what dieties are you into? what're the traditions for halloween and the upcoming winter solstice?
oh my god, that picture of gizmo is so cute i need to pee.

i miss you so much.

i have lived for months on nothing but instant coffee and pop tarts and way too much booze. our bodies are amazing, resilient things.

sorry i'm so crap at keeping in touch. please know i adore you and i will write more soon. i've just been kind of losing it lately.
I never really know what to write in this space...lately I seem to be doing the same shit every day...I've been really tired and my hands have dried and my fingers split...they really hurt this morning. No matter what I do I can't seem to get enough sleep or put enough lotion/salve on my hands.

I think I need a new hobby or at least...
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I'm working at it. Hoping for a hike later this week.

Have you tried bag balm for your hands? The stuff they use on cow udders? Worked wonders for me back when I rowed regularly.

This space is for sappy whining, you know. I'll be back w/ a funny story later. I'm sure that my further attempts at teaching this evening will inspire something.
Sure enough. We began class discussing an essay by Gloria Anzaldua, talking about issues of race, gender, multiculturalism, etc. By the end of the period, my beloved students were arguing heatedly about whether people are more like dogs or more like cats. This inspired a second debate about the existence and credibility of the so-called "cat whisperer."

I can't wait to see the essays spawned by these debates. surreal
I got four hours of sleep last night before I had to go to work at six this morning...

...time for a nap.
Man, that sounds like a really good idea....
wish I got that much...
Glad I'm home now
I love NYC!!!!! I want to live there!!!!!

There's something about being completely anonymous while surrounded by thousands of people that makes me feel very confident and strong.

There's so much to see and experience that I feel like I could spend the rest of my life there and have a completely new adventure every day.

I suppose every place is kind of like that...
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So i was sitting here kind of bored. I had a hard day, it actually kind of sucked, but really rocked at the same time. It only sucked cause it was long, and it rocked cause it was fun shoveling dirt, pounding it down, and walking several miles behind a mechanized death mower from the depths of hell.

(everytime I mow the lawn I wonder if the ants, grasshoppers, and snakes have made up primitive stories about the great rapture that comes in the sound of a grinding internal combustion engine...)

But anyways, I was bored.

Waiting for you to call me after a hard day of work. Wondering if I wanted to take you out on the town cause I just got paid, or take you home to our bed so we could both get laid (he he he I like highschool poetry, it's fun).

But I thought I would write.

I thought I would let you know how much I appreciate all that you put up with on a day to day basis. My schedule, my artwork, my looking at bondage porn online while I force you to sit in a stinky, cold, art studio with a dude you barelly know.

Basically I'm writing to tell you: You rock. That I love you, and thank you for all that you do.!!!

Take care of yourself in that bullshit customer service world you have found yourself in. Be strong and don't forget that if those fuckers ever really piss you off think, What Wound Heresy Do? Then after you realise what I would do, just smile, walk away, and think about how lucky they are that my shaved head agro punk ass is not serving them their coffee. Then think about how lucky they are that you are in a good mood, and that your nice, and considerate to their needs (unlike I would be... wink )

It'll make you feel better I promise!!

Make yourself a little necklat that said WWHD (What Wound Heresy Do), and use it to remind yourself.

Ciao Bella
I love you

[Edited on Oct 21, 2005 6:14PM]
That sounds lovely. Exactly what I need.

God, it felt good to write something non-academic and non-utilitarian. That helped too.

How's life treating you?
joenobody tagged me in a leap at revenge directed at heresy. hmmm...perhaps I should end this bloody battle...and...then again maybe not. Write 20 interesting things about yourself if you wouldn't mind and then request the same of five other dear friends you don't know everything about. Have fun!!

1. I have never lived more then four hours from my folks until now with the most...
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Oh no! eeek
Nice to see a new face on the site. I've read a bit about you from a few peoples journal entries. Seems Larry and Triple Dead are the only Eugene folks left not on the site.

ps that last one is kind of evil.

[Edited on Oct 17, 2005 2:10AM]