Hello all...sorry I've been so absent. With everything going on in my life the computer is usually the last place I go...besides, I'm usually not home long enough to sit for more than 5 minutes anyway. It's been really hard to relax lately...I've been working a lot and when I'm not doing that I'm usually spending precious minutes with heresy while he's in the studio...we don't get to see each other all that often. However, when we do have time together we try to make the most of it. Last night we drank 40's in the community gardens while a crazy dense fog rolled in...it was amazing!!! Anyway....how has everyone else been these last couple of months??
(feeling slightly scattered)

what are you so busy with these days? this is not the mogwa i knew in the eugene. i mean, you were able to relax some there. and drind forties and whisky with me. are you doing more school? or just working a shit ton?
love ya,