Heyyy yooouu guyyys.....
sorry I haven't updated in so long...chaos ensues....
Thanksgiving was great...I worked everyday that week including thursday.
but really, it was great hanging out with the woman who supplied the world with a very special heresy. We went to the city on saturday and did all the christmas in new york stuff...it was cool seeing rockefeller plaza but, the crowds were sickening....fur coats...
in other news, I've taken on an organizational role in the most unorganized community collective I've ever witnessed. yay....beauracracy and pc-ism...yay. Also, my manager informed everyone that she's quitting today at our meeting and subsequently I get to do all the fun manager stuff
This is good and bad...good in that without her it should be much easier for me to work with my counter staff and bad in that I'm completely masocistic and have some strange desire to load a million tasks and responsibilities onto myself until my legs give out and I fall to the ground crying in the midst of a nervous breakdown
sorry about that...
just an update regarding my world...please feel free to ask any questions, but be sure to put it in writing as I can only hold three or four demands/complaints/questions in my head at any given time and those spaces were filled months ago.
three days off in a row yeah....three days off in a row (insert happy dance)
I will be running away now...bye.
sorry I haven't updated in so long...chaos ensues....
Thanksgiving was great...I worked everyday that week including thursday.

in other news, I've taken on an organizational role in the most unorganized community collective I've ever witnessed. yay....beauracracy and pc-ism...yay. Also, my manager informed everyone that she's quitting today at our meeting and subsequently I get to do all the fun manager stuff

sorry about that...
just an update regarding my world...please feel free to ask any questions, but be sure to put it in writing as I can only hold three or four demands/complaints/questions in my head at any given time and those spaces were filled months ago.
three days off in a row yeah....three days off in a row (insert happy dance)
I will be running away now...bye.

if i go to the city in the future, i'll definately let u know.
everybodies gonna forget about your cute smilin face....
miss you kid,
be home soon