It seems the accursed addiction that is WoW is once again stronger than my compulsion to get real work done.

well the only thing really left is my room really. thats not so bad.

Sleeping on the couch is becoming more routine now.

(I knew all that sleeping on the futon a few months back would come in handy)

In other news:
Tomorrow I start...
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....... (prolonged silence)

"God's in his heaven, all's right with the world"
~Neon Genesis Evangelion

and thus the phone line and the gas heat was put forth into the apartment and there was much rejoicing.

Life resumes its normal pace this thursday because its going to be 'back to work' time for me again.

Let's see if I still remember this whole selling thing...

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I'LL GET YOU 'HEY STEVE' IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DOOOOoooooooo! mad mad mad mad




~goes back to cleaning~ frown
still no gas, still no phone.
Somebody is going to fucking die.

My brother graduated high school and not a tear shed by he who is I, I'm kinda impressed.

I'm shocked though, my little bro is a graduate now....

Damn, I'm getting old. eeek

btw. Come Monday, both my phone company and gas are going to get hell. I told my roommate to see if...
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I've been in the apartment for almost a week now....

so yeah it'll be a week by the end of 'today' but it doesn't feel like its been that long.

I've still got boxes to throw out (yeah i just found the dumpster yesterday...). Hmm I think that makes it seem like I haven't been throwing out trash for a week; There's a trash...
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In the new apt everyone.


Internet hooked up!

Cleaning commences.... frown

But fear not, I'm sure all will go well.

Take it easy all,
MogMagus wink
3 days!
3 days!
3 days!

and then i'll probably dissappear off the face of the earth until they re-connect my internet in my new apartment.

oh boy! wink

right, well time for sleep.
WoW wears out this poor moogle.

Take it easy all,
MogMagus smile

-It is summer break
-I have a lot of time on my hands
-I actually have some money (miraculous)


-I've been gaming for most of the past 5 or so days.
-I've beaten quite a few games in that time period.
-I'm contemplating buying some upgrades for my compy.


-I am a huge nerd.

Side Note:

-and loving it.

No, seriously. I've...
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Holy crap I'm going to be flat freakin' broke the next couple of weeks.

new game and now setting up everything for the new appartement.

Just 8 days!

wow... so weird.

anyways. back to slacking off and playing video games.

ahhh, summer break is the greatest. love love

Take it easy,
MogMagus wink
Life's feeling a little better...

I just need some spare time now...

I've got lots of housework to keep me busy so that I don't spend too much time worrying about life, I suppose thats good.

Moving in 9 days! weee! wink

Star Wars was good.
B in three classes (Short Story, Brit Lit, and Physics)
The Gpa actually went up.
F in calc... but its calc 3... so its evil by definition

I just had to do some seriously painful shit... and I had written some beautiful, well though-out, intelligent, and poignant shit about it...

but internet exploder fulfilled its promise of not working when I...
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Star Wars in less than 12 hours!
Star Wars in less than 12 hours!
Star Wars in less than 12 hours!


i might be going to see a movie soon... like maybe... perhaps... wink

And I've got friends going to see it with me too!
I feel spiffy, people were like "I totally want to go see star wars with you mogmagus, you're just so...
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