Here I am after working for 6 hours today. My shift started at 6 am after a really shitty sleep. At least work wasn't too bad, I even got to come off the phone for the last couple hours. You'd think I'd come right home and go to bed, but not so much. I came home, started my laundry and got my chilli cooking and continued on with Doctor Who. I've really been enjoying Doctor Who. All 3 of the Doctors that I've seen are brilliant and I`ve got a bit of a crush on a couple of the companions.
Specifically Billie Piper, aka Rose
and Karen Gillan, aka Amy Pond.
Both of them are fantastic. Other than that I don't really have much going on. So, I guess that will be it for today except that I had my weigh in at the gym on Friday where I was told that I dropped almost a full point of body fat, lost 3 inches off my waist and lost 6 lbs. Because of this I thought I'd do my own sundies, just for fun.
Sorry about that, but I'm feeling pretty good about the old body right now. Hope everyone had a great weekend.