why is it that I seem to draw the most drama filled people. I meet guy. hes great! swee, smart, stunningly handsome. And then i start talking to his friends at it turns out the guy that I spent a vary nice weekend with was not so vary nice. He has a girl friend, who is pregnant, an has 4 other kids. I mean WOW....
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awww i miss my mo and i love that sexyness too! sorry i havent been around girl but you need to email or something i wanna cheer you up some!
Thanks Baby your the greatest!
After lunch I was on my way home and some one hit a little aussie. The shit of it was they hit her hard but didn't kill her. and then didn't stop. she ran off and I spent some time trying to catch her. when I got a hold of her she was messed up bad. she had some eye that had been popped out...
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That's so sad frown

Thats right boys and girls and its not a cowboy bar! The crew and I were talking to some of our fellow under grounders and found out that there was a new club that just opened in K town. WOOOT were are there! So we jet out to see the place. And due to the fact that it is not...
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New club? Where? There are so many places that come and go, and it gets hard to keep up.
out by Harker on BIZ 190, close to king pin tattoo
I will Say this my friends crack me the fuck up. Ill start with my whole crew has made it home from there respective wonderings and I had to pick them all up from the airport AT DIFFERENT TIMES!! ok people can we have a little coordination please?!?! I live not that far from the airport but damn. 1/2 a tank of gas later I...
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ahhh fucking cuteness! if someone would get off their ass and stop being sick and actually WANT a lil company maybe id come tease someone with ya!
Ok slacker Mo on the blog department! I got back from a Las Vegas weekend with my best girl friend Late monday night. Not only did I loose a little money but I also jacked up my left eye and got a cold. Cant seem to catch a brake this week! so Im geeked out and bumming. I always thought that Vegas was a crazy...
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Happy New year. I know that I don't have any friends on here as of yet but maybe someday I will!
Thank you kiss
bullshit..you got me lmao..guess someday came huh?