My account expires in a couple of days, and I absolutely can't afford to renew, so I guess this is goodbye. I will miss SG and all of the great people I have met here. If anyone wants to stay in contact, you can find me on Facebook.
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 10, 2009
I spent most of my weekend sick in bed. I had a fever that lasted fro… -
Thursday Feb 05, 2009
Today has been quite busy. I went down to talk to my lawyer this morn… -
Tuesday Feb 03, 2009
I keep thinking that it's been so long since I've been to see a movie… -
Monday Feb 02, 2009
Things just keep getting better it seems. I've been fighting to get s… -
Friday Jan 30, 2009
I hate this cold weather and snow we've got around here. It aggravate… -
Tuesday Jan 27, 2009
The happenings that I was keeping under wraps are now official, so th… -
Monday Jan 26, 2009
Seems like a lot has been going on and nothing has been going on late… -
Thursday Jan 01, 2009
All I can say is that I hope the new year gets better than it's start… -
Sunday Dec 07, 2008
This is a sad time of year for me. Tomorrow marks 4 years since Dimeb… -
Wednesday Nov 19, 2008
I haven't been in a writing mood lately, but I figure it's time to wr…