I know I recently said that I had relationship that was blossoming and that I was unsure about it. That has sort of changed in recent days. We went on our first official date for her birthday last Thursday. As I also said, she is an older woman, not that there is anything wrong with dating an older woman. However there is currently a 14 year age difference between us until my birthday next month when there will be 13 years between us again. The point though is that after meeting each other for the first time in person and going on a date, we are officially together without ever having to say it. While we're in no way ready to move in together after less than a week, I somehow see it happening within the next few months. We are already making plans for me to spend a week or so with her at her house. Which I have a feeling is going ot change the game even more, as the hardest thing for us to do is let go or say goodbye. I think I may have actually found the one this time.
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 10, 2009
I spent most of my weekend sick in bed. I had a fever that lasted fro… -
Thursday Feb 05, 2009
Today has been quite busy. I went down to talk to my lawyer this morn… -
Tuesday Feb 03, 2009
I keep thinking that it's been so long since I've been to see a movie… -
Monday Feb 02, 2009
Things just keep getting better it seems. I've been fighting to get s… -
Friday Jan 30, 2009
I hate this cold weather and snow we've got around here. It aggravate… -
Tuesday Jan 27, 2009
The happenings that I was keeping under wraps are now official, so th… -
Monday Jan 26, 2009
Seems like a lot has been going on and nothing has been going on late… -
Thursday Jan 01, 2009
All I can say is that I hope the new year gets better than it's start… -
Sunday Dec 07, 2008
This is a sad time of year for me. Tomorrow marks 4 years since Dimeb… -
Wednesday Nov 19, 2008
I haven't been in a writing mood lately, but I figure it's time to wr…