I've been approached about going into a college and talking about some things that I'm not right real sure I want to talk about, but it has also given me an idea. As some know, I love to write, and here lately it's all been music related. I'm starting to consider sitting down and writing about what I've been through with my injury. From the day it happened up through the present. At the same time I'm nervous about putting it all out there as well, since there is a lot that I never told anyone that was associated with it all as well. A lot of things I hid because I'm not one to show any kind of weakness, and to me the things hidden were signs of weakness. I'm just not convinced that I want to put it all out there though.
Sometimes nothing feels better then "getting it out' it's actaully not a sign a weakness either, but a sign of great strength!
your "weakness" may actually be inspirational to others in similar situations. i will advise though, my personal experience with opening up that can of worms, looking back on your life and reflecting on the things you've gone through is a very emotionally draining experience. just make sure you are in the right place to do so before you head down that path. it will be cathartic and you will probably feel much more alleviated after it all. either way good luck to you buddy.