Seems like a lot has been going on and nothing has been going on lately. I get to go through the fun of injections again beginning tomorrow, along with aggressive physical therapy. The idea still scares the shit out of me. My lady and I are starting to seriously talk about moving in together as well. As if I don't have enough stress right now, the radio station is about to get a major boost. I can't go into details yet, but I expect we will be a big name by the end of the year, along with some travel going on with it. I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment with everything, but excited at the same time. Any way you look at it though, 2009 is looking a whole lot better than 2008 was.
It sounds like everything is going great, and you're one tough cookie, you'll go through therapy and shots like a trooper my man! I miss talking to you!!!

Yeah I am super happy for you! You deserve to be happy an successful! You have worked to hard not to be! I hope for a better 2009 for you! I agree with bell i miss talking to you! Keep your chin up i have seen first hand your strength when it comes to your pain and you can do anything! Keep your chin up and i hope the therepy and shots work for you! hugs lotsa love always-ireland