Well, I finally got some good news, but it comes with bad news too. I received the phone call that my surgery has been approved. That means that all of the screws and pins will be removed from my foot, and hopefully the reason for my constant pain will be discovered. On the flip side. it means that I'll have to be extremely careful when it comes to a couple of up coming events. It doesn't mean that I'm gonna miss them, but it does mean that I'm likely to basically sit most of the time, since I expect that I'll be on crutches or putting very little weight on my foot as it heals.
Some good news as well. One of the biggest Punk Nite shows of the year is coming up soon, Punk Nite Prom. With Punk Nite Prom coming, there will be some traveling to the area for it. One of which I can't wait to spend some time with. Those in the know are already aware of who it is, and hopefully another member is able to make the trip with them for a kick ass time among the Dayton/Cincinnati crew. No repeats of last year either, PunkNiteMike.
Some good news as well. One of the biggest Punk Nite shows of the year is coming up soon, Punk Nite Prom. With Punk Nite Prom coming, there will be some traveling to the area for it. One of which I can't wait to spend some time with. Those in the know are already aware of who it is, and hopefully another member is able to make the trip with them for a kick ass time among the Dayton/Cincinnati crew. No repeats of last year either, PunkNiteMike.
ohhh Punk Nite Prom...good times will be had!