Although this week has been a busy one, it has been a great one. I got to see the Luchagors on Tuesday, and meet and get pics with Amy Dumas, or as PunkNiteMike referred to her Amy Dumbass, better known for her wrestling career as Lita. The weather didn't cooperate to go see LA Guns, but we did make it to the Misfits show tonight. It was a great time, and I got to meet Dez and Jerry Only, get their aitographs, and get pics with them. Needless to say, Mike is gonna be busy when he starts uploading pictures. It made me extremely happy as well, as the Misifits are one of my top 3 bands of all-time, tied with Kiss and Pantera for number one. As tried as I was, meeting Dez and Jerry woke me right straight up, and the excitement still hasn't abated. All of the rumors about Jerry and his dislike of being around the fans have been disspelled for me, as he was more than happy to sign autographs and take pics with the fans as long as they were around.
I'm happy you two had a great time!!! I know how much you love the Misfits!!! It's crazy you got to see one of your top bands that you've seen before..and I got to see mine (SP).. and Mike was involved with