Tonight officially kicked off a busy week, although the weather is going to effect a few other things that were planned. PunkNiteMike and I went to see The Luchagors for free!!! For those familiar with wrestling, Amy Dumas better known as Lita, is the lead singer for the Luchagors and a kick ass vocalist at that. We weren't sure about going based on distance and predicted weather, but we went anyway and it was a long drive. It was worth it to see the show and meet Amy. We even got pictures with her which will be up sometime this week hopefully. It did begin to snow when we were coming home though. By the time I left Mike's house, the roads were white and the lines weren't visible in the least. I did make it home safely though, and now I'm getting ready for some sleep.
I'm actually happy that I didn't join Mike and yourself last night.. cause I've NEVER driven in snow before... EVER!!! Ususally when we get a good snow..I'm I am today (my car won't make it up the hill in my driveway) so I'm scared to drive in the snow.. and I would have probably cried when I had to drive home... and we all know how Mike deals with girls I'm happy that you guys had fun.. and even MORE happy to know that you two made it home safe.. you'll NEVER know how happy I was to see a comment from you this morning.. cause that means you're OK!
lol tell me about it! you and your celebrity worship pictures lol make sure to post em, they always make me laugh.